Enjoy a range of discounts when you shop or dine with us and unlock exclusive member promotions.
We’ll reward you on future visits to Goodies Food Hall, making each experience with us extra special.
As a Rewards Card holder, you’ll also be the first to know about new products, promotions, menus, offers and special events.
Simply pop into our food hall or call 01379 676880, and our team will be happy to help you get your Rewards Card.
Yes, to ensure you receive all the offers and promotions you’re entitled to as a Rewards Card holder, please show us your Rewards Card at the till when purchasing within our shop or restaurant.
We’ll keep you updated about offers and promotions by sending an email to the email address you registered with. To ensure our emails don’t end up in your spam folder, please save our email address in your address book. When visiting our food hall, you’ll also spot posters with details of deals and offers.
To make the most of your Rewards Card, it’s important to keep your details up-to-date. Simply give us a call on 01379 676880 or email info@goodiesfoodhall.co.uk, and we’ll happily update your details for you.
To receive details about our special offers and events, you need to give us your email address and opt-in to receive emails from us. If you haven’t done this yet, you can do this during your next visit to Goodies Food Hall. Please note that we’ll never share your information with any third parties.
We are so pleased to be winners of ‘The Best Independent Retailer Award’ Great British Food Awards 2016. Steeped in local knowledge, we listen to our customers, what they want stocked, and at a price they like to pay!